Lifestyle & Skin

Menopause and skin

Skincare Routine and Tips for the Menopausal Transition

  Menopause is a significant milestone in a woman's life, often accompanied by a mix of relief and anxiety. While many discussions around menopause focus on the well-known symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings, there's another important aspect...

The effect of sugar on skin

Effects of Sugar on Skin

We all know sugar isn't exactly a health hero. But did you know your sweet tooth can wreak havoc on your skin as well? While that post-birthday cake sugar crash might leave you feeling sluggish, the effects on your complexion can...

Non- Melanoma Skin Cancer*

What is non-melanoma skin cancer? There are two different types of skin cancer, Non-melanoma skin cancer is the growth of abnormal skin cells and tends to develop on the outer layer of the skin that is exposed to the sun. Melanoma skin cancer tends to develop in...

The Vital Connection Between Diet and Healthy Skin

We often overlook one of the most powerful factors influencing our skin's health: our diet. The foods we consume play a significant role in determining the appearance, texture, and overall health of our skin. By understanding the intricate connection between diet and healthy skin, we...

Is your Skin Dry or Dehydrated?

When your skin is feeling tight it's easy to get confused as to whether you are dealing with dry skin or dehydrated skin. Let's take a look at the characteristics of both for a clearer idea. Dry Skin This is a skin type

Pregnancy – How your skin might change

Its no secret that hormones are on a rolleroaster during pregnancy and this can show on your skin. Breakouts and Hyperpigmentation are two main concerns that you may have to deal with while you have a baby onboard. Before I discuss these skin corcerns it...

Adult Acne – Why is my skin breaking out?

What is Acne?

Acne is an inflammatory skin condition caused when hair follicles become clogged or blocked with sebum/oil and dead skin cells, this can lead to spots, blackheads, pustules and cysts. The condition is most commonly associated with puberty but can occur at any stage...

Top tips for skin health

When it comes to skincare there is unfortunatley no magic solution or perfect formula to guarantee health skin. There are however lots of habits that we can focus on to help maintane the health of our skin.

No. 1 Routine & Consistency.

First up it is important...


Everyone is looking for a cure or solution to their pigmentation ( hyperpigmentation). But before we look at some solutions that can help reduce or remove pigmentation it will be beneficial  to look at some causes or triggers.

No. 1  UV Exposure

The number one trigger for...

My Top Three Products

For anyone that knows me you will be fully aware of my skin care obsession, more specifically my Dermalogica obsession. I've been using Dermalogica products for 16 years now and will probably request to be buried with my favourite products when I die. Dermalogica stock...